
Different functions, different repositories..

Where possible, report scripts should be as minimal as possible. Try to keep functionality limited to things which can only be useful in the context of making reports (eg. parsing text files to extract specific information).

All analysis and plotting should be handled by code in different repositories. Specifically, any scripts to generate plots should be added to the visualizations repository and then imported as a python package. Code involved in retrieving information from Stockholm's StatusDB should use the statusdb repository.

Keeping the code separate in this way should enable us to reuse scripts in different scenarios (eg. the statusdb wrapper) and make the organisation logical for easier maintenance.


As each report script will be quite diverse (expecting different input files and so on), good documentation is critical. You must state all file dependencies and how these files should be formatted / generated.

Documentation should be written in MarkDown .md files and placed in the /docs folder.

File Formats

All reports should be generated as Markdown .md files. We can then use Pandoc to convert these into whatever file format we like (PDF initially, probably HTML later).

All figures should be plotted as both .png files (for HTML reports) and .pdf (for PDF reports). When setting the file names for the markdown, write the file name without an extension. The pandoc conversion will automatically use the correct file type for the report that it's making.

If you can't make png and pdf for whatever reaason, just specify the full file name with extension and this will be used for everything.

Information Flow

The general structure of the package is intended to allow easy use of the package by both Stockholm and Uppsala NGI nodes. There is a common entrance script (/scripts/ngi_reports) which reads your config file (~/.ngi_reports/ngi_reports.conf) to determine which NGI node you're at. It also takes the report type from the command line. Using these two pieces of information, it dynamically loads the appropriate module. This NGI node - specific module loads a common module of the same report type as a dependency. This grabs all of the information that is shared between both sites ans has common functions (eg. checking the required fields). The object is passed back and node- specific fields are filled in. Finally, the main script calls the Report.parse_template() function to get the Markdown output and writes this to Report.report_fn. Pandoc is then called to convert this file to HTML and PDF.


The following describes the order of execution when creating and IGN Sample Report at the Stockholm NGI node.